Do you need Scentsy refills or warmers before Christmas? Now is the time to get them!!
My amazing cousin, Joy, has graciously organized an online Scentsy party for my friends & family. All proceeds from your purchases will go directly to support our adoption. Scentsy for a good cause? What's better than that??! :) Go check out the cute Christmas things, order a gift, or just get some refills for yourself! I have a medium sized warmer & a bathroom plug in and I LOVE them. Don't know what I did before Scentsy (besides worrying about burning my house down of course)!
Make sure you follow the link below to get to our party, you want to be sure you see this at the top of the page:
You are currently shopping at the following party:
Kerlin's HOPE for Ethiopia
P.S. I promise to update you on everything soon! There haven't been any recent developments, other than waiting, which I better start getting good at! :) We hope to make some progress on becoming DTE (dossier to Ethiopia) soon, I will be sure to let you all know!

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