October 9, 2013

together forever

View of Addis from the roof of our guest home!

This might be short... I'm running off of airplane sleep and the socket the laptop is plugged into has occasional sparks coming out of it. No big deal, right? 

Here is a little background of where we are with our "Embassy Trip." Most families clear court, come home, and wait around to hear from embassy that they have cleared and can come back for their child. Generally speaking, families don't leave the country for their trip without having clearance from embassy- families "generally" clear within 6-8 weeks of court. Our case requires a certain TB test (one that takes 9 weeks...in Africa...we're told it's like days or maybe a couple weeks in the US?) be completed before we can clear embassy. October 4th marked the 9 week mark and we heard from a couple of previous families that had the same test requirement and their results came in a few days early, so we thought for sure the 10th week was safe to travel. We had already received the e-mail from embassy saying our case was cleared pending the test results, so we knew we weren't held up on the investigation side, whew! (Even our travel coordinator with our agency agreed she thought it was safe to travel, and let me tell you, our agency will NEVER assume or lead you to believe something is one way if they don't absolutely think it is. There are a whole lot of "we hope to hear" and "we typically see" thrown around in e-mails from our agency. Don't get me wrong, we love AWAA. Just nature of the beast, they don't want to get your hopes up if there's no reason to. And I am thankful for that.) So a simple test result...shouldn't take any longer than 9 weeks give a day or 2 right? That would just be too easy!

So, as most of you know, we (Oh let's be honest, me. Does Chase ever freak out?) started our trip to Ethiopia Tuesday morning slightly freaking out because we got a call as we were boarding the airplane that Eliyas' test results were basically MIA. We were told last week they were to be in last Wednesday and handed over to embassy by Friday, Oct 4th. Had that happened we could have potentially walked into embassy today and been free and clear. We found out yesterday morning that they were given information meant for another Eliyas. (Really?) They're not sure the status of our Eliyas' results. Could be as late as Monday according to our America office, and the Ethiopia office says they were told another 2 weeks. Ayayaye... The only thing that is keeping me sane is the fact that God has this in His hands. None of this is surprising Him. It is hard for me to accept that and it is hard for my heart to believe it right now, but my head believes that everything will fall into God's perfect timing. 

Often times, I like to believe that "Jill Timing" is perfect, and I am humbled and reminded time and time and again that it's not. There are a few "worst case scenarios" running through "Jill's head" right now... #1 would be results come in Monday, given to embassy Tuesday, we could leave the country as soon as Thursday. This would be the case IF embassy wasn't closed Monday & Tuesday like we have been told!!! So #2 is delaying our flight and leaving the country as soon as Friday ... #3, the results take another 2 weeks and we leave in 2.5 weeks or so... #4, the results come back positive. Then I have no idea what happens. I haven't wanted to ask that question yet. I feel like I remember reading somewhere that they have to be treated for 6 months before they can enter the US, but I am hoping and praying that is wrong and ULTIMATELY praying that doesn't matter! And I know, I know, that I should not be worrying about these things that I can't control, but the devil likes to sneak in and do these things to me. We have spent much time in prayer and will continue, and we have SO many back home (THANK YOU!) praying for us, I know this is the most important thing right now. Romans 12:12 has been my verse throughout our adoption process, and I am claiming it more than ever. "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." 

Now, I know, in light of lots of other families who have been waiting longer, waiting on more ridiculous delays than us, being in country with our amazing son might not sound that bad... and when you look at it that way it's not. At all. I am SO thankful we are here with him, and honestly, I feel like we have to be here to get these results figured out. But we did 3 unexpected weeks here last time, and it was hard. It's going to be even harder if that happens now that we technically should be getting the heck outta dodge WITH him! Enough whining about that. (Can I blame it on jet lag?) 

We landed at about 6:30am and rushed through the airport as fast as we could to go GET our boy, not just meet him this time!!! We got to the orphanage and looked all over for him. We were then told he had gone to the barber to get his haircut... seriously? He had 10 weeks to get his haircut and they wait until THIS morning?! :) "TIA" folks. ("This is Africa." We have to keep telling ourselves that at least once an hour while we're here.) It was only a few minutes before he walked through that gate and we saw his beautiful smile again!!! Together forever. It was very surreal. After spending some time playing Uno with his friends and hanging out, it was time for us to go to lunch, and this time we got to take him with us--- with no plan of return! It was very surreal, as we walked through the orphanage I asked if he had anything he wanted to bring with him. He went to his shared room and grabbed the two photo albums we had sent while we were waiting. All of his life as he knows it is left behind, his new American clothes and photo album are all he left with. Wow. I only have tears to describe the reality of that. The thought of him never returning to that orphanage bed... wow. He truly is an orphan no more. Lots of emotions today- mostly gratitude and joy for our family finally being complete. Lots of tears of joy watching God's redemption story unfold. I just kept tearing up as I would look at his sweet face, newly shaved hair, and beautiful smile. So thankful for a God who redeems, and a God who has a better plan than we could have ever imagined. 

Together forever!
Oh, how I missed that smile!!!

Love watching him play soccer with his dad!

We would love your prayers during our final steps of this part of the journey... Please pray that when we walk in the hospital doors tomorrow, the results are located, and we clear embassy just as soon as possible after that. But most importantly, please pray that we just simply rest in God's timing. He is more than able. Please also pray for our time here bonding with our son. We've read lots of books on attachment, adopting older children, etc... but now it is go time. Please pray that the Lord gives us guidance and we seek Him for direction as we learn how to parent our sweet son. We pray that we are sensitive to what Eliyas is going through and patient as we walk what we know will likely be some rough roads ahead. We pray that God be glorified in our journey. What we are doing is possible only because we were first adopted as God's children-- Galations 4:4-5 "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons." 

Oops... I said this might be short. Sorry. :) I should head to bed if I'm going to beat jet lag this trip too! 

Did I mention my SON is sleeping just a few feet away from me? All really is well.

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