I set up an Etsy shop today and got some potholders and towels listed! Check out our available items here- http://www.etsy.com/shop/AwaitingEthiopia. Each item is listed for $15.00 each. For Austin friends, let me know which items you're interested in so I can get them to you without you having to pay shipping. Instead of placing the order through Etsy just email me what item you are interested in: awaitingethiopia2012@gmail.com. My mom and sister are also my unpaid salespeople, so if you see them at church they can get your order to you as well. :) By the way-- big shout out to my mom for sewing all these and Jamie for helping me pin them together!!! Thank y'all for all your help!
I'll leave you with a link to another AWAA family's blog, www.pureandlasting.com. They just returned from Ethiopia for their court date for their daughter, Maya. I can't get enough of her pictures or posts. She does a great job of documenting their journey with words and pictures. Check out their story about Alain too... wow!!!
Just wanted to stop by and say hello :) Congratulations on your paperchase. Let me know if there are any questions I can help with :)